Dashboard Access | Global | Enables users to view all modules and pages defined for a dashboard that has been configured for your organization during your implementation. Dashboards are only configurable by your SupportLogic SA or Contact support@supportlogic.io for more information | This switch should be on for all users. As new modules and interfaces are developed, there may be times when you provide limited access views to specific users (Agents, Mobile Users, etc.) | When switched off for a use only the Backlog module is visible. |
Manage Escalations | Escalations, Console, Support Hub | Enables a user to approve, delay or dismiss escalation predictions either in the Escalations module or in the SupportHub view of a case. | Any user that needs to make decisions on how to handle escalations should have this feature turned on. | This is an important feature for anyone making decisions on case escalations, assignments and managing case queues. |
Train ML | Console, Backlog, Support Hub | Enables users to provide feedback on sentiment and attention detected by the SupportLogic machine learning algorithm to indicate if the sentiment is correctly identified or not. | This feature should be on for anyone that works in SupportLogic and is responsible for routing cases, evaluating escalations, reviewing the details of cases in order to make decisions based on customer sentiment and attention signals detected. | This feature might always be turned on but is most critical at the beginning of your implementation as you are training the AI server on how to best detect sentiments expressed by your customers. |
Acknowledge Sentiment | Console, Backlog, Support Hub | Enables users to acknowledge detected sentiments and indicate to other managers that they have reviewed this case. | Should be on for most managers in SupportLogic as it allows for them to indicate, in Console for example) that they have reviewed a case that may need attention and indicate to other managers that they have already taken action on the particular case. | If disabled, Support and Escalation Managers may get confused as to whether or not actions have been taken on one case or another. |
Manage Events | Analytics, Keywords and Trends | Enables users to create and set events in the Keywords and Trends Analytics tool. | Within Keywords and Trends, users can create events that correlate to a sharp increase / decline | Allows to track events that may or may not have impacted case volume, escalations, etc. |
Edit Case | Support Hub | Enables users to create and edit Case comments and any case fields that have been configured to be editable in SupportLogic under Control Center > Settings. | Any user responsible for managing cases, performing case assignments, or managing escalations should have this feature turned on. | Case field changes must be configured in Control Center > Settings in order for case fields to be editable by users even with this turned on. Additionally, this allows for notes to be tracked by the entire team of agents or engineers over the course of open to resolution. |
Edit Customer | Support Hub, Customer Insights, Customer Favorites | Enables users to add / edit Customer notes. | Any user that may need to make notes that are visible to anyone working with a case or customer should have access to this feature. | This feature can serve as a mechanism for CSMs to communicate with Support whenever they are addressing the needs of a particular customer.
Additional notes about a customer can be recorded on specific issues or challenges facing a customer that may be outside of the case itself. |
Create Virtual Accounts | Virtual Accounts, Global Filters, Console, Escalations, Favorite Customers, Analytics | Enables users to create global Virtual Accounts (available for all users to leverage). | Defaults to 'not enabled' for new users. | This feature should be limited to those users who are familiar with the needs of your Support Organization's customer classifications and/or grouped based on your support structure. |
Delete Virtual Accounts | Virtual Accounts, Global Filters, Console, Escalations, Favorite Customers, Analytics
| Enables users to delete global Virtual Accounts regardless of who created it.
| Defaults to 'not enabled' for new users.
| This feature should be limited to those users who are familiar with the needs of your Support Organization's customer classifications and/or grouped based on your support structure.
Create Virtual Teams | Virtual Teams, Global Filters, Console, Escalations, Agent Insights, Evaluations, Analytics
| Enables users to create global Virtual Teams (available for all users to leverage). | Defaults to 'not enabled' for new users.
| This feature should be limited to those users who are familiar with the needs of your Support Organization team structure and how Support Managers might need to organize agents / engineers.
Delete Virtual Teams | Virtual Teams, Global Filters, Console, Escalations, Agent Insights, Evaluations, Analytics
| Enables users to delete global Virtual Teams regardless of who created it.
| Defaults to 'not enabled' for new users.
| This feature should be limited to those users who are familiar with the needs of your Support Organization team structure and how Support Managers might need to organize agents / engineers.
Personal Alerts | My Alerts | Enables users to define, activate / deactivate Alerts. | Any user that may need to configure notifications based on a specific account support incidents, customer sentiments or need for attention, for example. | Alerts may be defined by Support Operations or individually by each user if this feature is turned on. When off, users can be "alerted" based on a standard alert criteria defined by management or Support Operations. |
Shared Alerts | My Alerts | Enables users to create Alerts that notify users other than themselves as recipients. | Any user that may need to configure notifications for other team members or include others in their organization. | Same scope as 'Personal Alerts' but adds the ability for users to include members of their organization even if they do not have Administrative permissions in SupportLogic.
OOO events | Agent Insights | Enables users to create calendar entries indicating that an agent or engineer is out of the office for scheduling purposes. | Within Agent Insights, managers have the ability to mark an Agent as Out of Office on the agent's calendar if this feature is turned on. | This feature does not limit the ability to only agents that report to this manager, but provides access to enter OOO time for ANY agent in the system. |
Health Score | Global | If enabled, users will be able to review the Customer Health Score on Support Hub and within Customer Insights | If you have Customer Health Score enabled, this should be turned on for all users. | SupportLogic’s customer health indicator leverages 5 key elements: Customer Engagement trends Escalations - volume and trends Customer Sentiment Support Quality Product Complexity and Quality |
Manage Shifts | Case Assignments, Support Hub and Auto Assignment | If enabled, users can create Shifts and assign agents to them within Case Assignment. They can also define working hours and assignment hours | If you have Shifts available, it is recommended that you turn this feature on for anyone who is responsible for assigning cases, managing agents | engineers, or operationally responsible for defining available working hours. | Impacts case assignment, and one of the criteria used to determine the right agent in Auto Assign of cases. |